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VIRES FAMILY of the CURENT TIMES (1900-2001)
Leaving the MOUNTAINS
Slowly but surely the VIRES FAMILY started having their Sons move to Other States in Search for Economic Security. Areas like Detroit,Michigan, Dayton,Ohio, Butte,Montana, the OZARKS of Arkansas, Oklahoma, as far away as Washington State. A few like my Grandfather and Father made their MOVEs after Service in the Armed Forces. I guess to Boys from the Hollowed Hills of KY the OUTSIDE World without the dangers of BLACK LUNG or the Endless ECONOMIC Misfortunes of KY were STRONG Enough to LURE them away from their childhood homes,; but these places could never take the LOVE they FELT for their HOMELANDS. In My Line I am the FIRST to be BORN Outside of KY. But it doesn't mean I DON'T LOVE those HILLS any LESS than my Father or his Father before him. This has been a Journey of Discovery, discovery of who I am, discovery of who came before, and a glance into the Forces that have shaped myself and others Like ME. THE Descendents of David Vires and Nancy King born and raised outside OUR BELOVED Kentucky.
Raymond and Carolina Vires February 23, 1963
This a a Picture of my Mother and Father taken in Honolulu Hawaii on the Wedding Day.