The FIRST Of US here was AMER "PIERRE" VIA. Amer came to this Country around 1677 from Bologne France. Escaping the HEUGONOT Persecution to settle in Mannikantown, VA a HEUGONOT Settlement on the James River. There is much about AMER that is UNKNOWN; What we do Know is that he had his Children Baptized. He married Margaret Spencer and settled down into the life of a farmer.
The NEXT on Our Line was William Via. Amer's Second Son. He Settled Down as Well into a Prosperous Life as a Gentleman farmer. We don't know who HIS Wife was.
It is here a TREND was Started that would continue throughout the Years. INTERMARRIAGE to Prominent families. THESE VIA MARRIED THEIR DAUGHTER'S WELL. It was said in the later Colonial Time "These VIA are like FLIES"
John Via is Notable for starting a Trend that Continues to this DAY. INTERMARRIAGE with Native Americans. He MARRIED Mary Powhatan, a member of the POWHATAN Indian Tribe. The Powhatan Tribe was the Tribe that POCAHONTAS was a member of. John and Mary settled down in Amhurst County, VA. Amhurst was NOTABLE in the fact that the Monacan Tribe did not allow WHITE Settlers into their lands. If you were either married to an Indian or were in fact PART Indian you were GRUDGINGLY Accepted. They did not ALLOW any WHITE Settlers in until the late 1780's.
Next is DAVID VIA Sr. aka DAVID VIAR. David married Elizabeth and settled down as well in Amhurst County. David fought on the Continental Side during the REVOLUTION like his father and Brothers.